
Cliffedale Primary School

Be the best that you can be

Which class is my child in?

Class Names and Teachers


Reception classes

Acorns - Mrs A Syed (Reception Lead)

Conkers - Mrs S Bowers and Mrs R Matthew


Year 1 and 2 classes

Maple - Mrs V Marshall (Year 1 and 2 Lead)

Hawthorn - Miss K MacDonald

Birch - Miss K Stinchcombe


Year 3 and 4 classes

Rowan - Mrs C Prestidge and Miss K Graham (Year 3 and 4 Team Leads)

Sycamore - Miss A Yeomans

Cherry - Mrs L McBain


Year 5 and 6 classes

Oak - Mr D Murphy (Year 5 and 6 Team Lead)

Beech - Mr P Brown

Willow - Mrs M Adelantado

