
Cliffedale Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Online Safety 


Any worries or concerns about E-Safety there is plenty of advice on the website below:


There are lots of websites that provide information for parents on how to help children stay safe when using the internet, below are a selected few.

Kayleigh’s Love Story is as a warning to young people, both girls and boys, about the dangers of speaking to people they don’t know online. It is currently being shared with children of  secondary school age to raise awareness of the  dangers when using social media. 

Although aimed at older children it is a useful resource for parents.


ThinkUKnow is a partner website of CEOP and is aimed at children of different ages: 5-7, 8-10, 11-16 and contains information on how to stay safe online.

Feel confident talking to your child about how to stay safe online with the 10 pointers in this factsheet. They give you practical advice on what to tell your child to do and not do, and what to watch out for.

While not at school, your child will likely be spending more time on devices, online. It's an easy way to keep them entertained, and they might be using them for remote learning too. But, higher screen time puts children at risk of being bullied or abused, seeing inappropriate content, and not getting enough sleep and exercise. Read this guide to find out how to keep your child safe and healthy.
