Be the best that you can be
Introducing the Chair of Governors
Why governance?
I first started as a governor at Cliffedale in March 2019, before becoming the Chair of Governors in November 2022. I entered governance early on in life for one main reason; I wanted to use my experiences in education to ensure the children of today have the best chances of achieving whatever they set their mind to. Without the education I received, I would not be where I am now, and I passionately believe everyone is entitled to that opportunity. Cliffedale rightly prides itself on helping children to become the best they can be, and I hope to help the school achieve this goal through a bold and ambitious strategy to excellence.
My role
The governing body has four core functions:
ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff;
overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent; and
ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.
I am responsible for providing leadership to the governing board to ensure (1) that it fulfils its functions well and (2) works closely with the senior leadership team to support, advise and help shape strategy.
More about me
In my earlier years, I lived in Grantham and attended both primary and secondary school in the area before going to Durham University to study law. I now work for a London law firm specialising in contentious private wealth disputes. During my time at university, I worked to deliver outreach programs to secondary and primary schools, focusing on improving the transition from primary to secondary education and secondary to higher education (I know it seems a long way off!) and this is something I have continued. In my spare time I enjoy road cycling so many of you may see me out and about in my fluorescent jersey!
I thoroughly enjoy being part of the Cliffedale family and I am privileged to be part of the school’s journey towards achieving outstanding provisions in all areas. Should anyone wish to contact me, they can do so at