
Cliffedale Primary School

Be the best that you can be

Contact Details

Please see the information below regarding the various ways of contacting us. Thank you.

Cliffedale Primary School
Northcliffe Road

NG31 8DP

Telephone: 01476 568 740



If you have any enquiries, the persons you should contact in the first instance are:


Headteacher - Mr David Johnson

Deputy Headteachers - Miss Kirsty Graham and Mrs Clare Prestidge

Administrator - Mrs Cara Clements

Bursar - Mrs Lynne Wiblin

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) - Mrs Sarah Bowers

Designated LAC teacher - Mrs Clare Prestidge

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Kirsty Graham

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Clare Prestidge

Pastoral Lead - Mrs Clare Prestidge

Chair of Governors -Mr Nicholas Farrington

Safeguarding Governor - Miss Catherine Holmes

SEND Governor - Mr Gary Douglas

Pupil Premium Governor - Mr Nick Farrington


Safeguarding concerns can be reported to


If you wish to contact the SENDCo please email on Mrs Bowers is out of class once a week for SENDCo duties so will reply as soon as possible. 


If you wish to contact the pastoral team, please email on


All of our staff, children and families have a right to feel safe, secure and respected. Please show respect, kindness and consideration to our school community. 


If you would like a paper copy of any information found on our school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.


Contact Form

Fill this in to ask a question.
