
Cliffedale Primary School

Be the best that you can be

Personal Development

The document below lists how personal development is achieved through enriching our curriculum through clubs, leadership opportunities, residential trips, experiences, workshops, welcoming visitors into our school and sporting events and opportunities. Our work around SMSC, charity and forming closer links with our local community are also listed here.

Personal Development at Cliffedale

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The presentation outlines the work that we do in school towards personal development. We ensure that we include practical opportunities for the children to think about and use British Values and we have embedded the Skillsbuilder essential skills into everything we do in school, so our children go on to be successful life-long learners. We are an inclusive school and teach our children to be respectful, tolerant and kind. Our children accept all people as equal and demonstrate an understanding of the protected characteristics and all major world religions, as shown by their acceptance and welcoming nature to all new children that join our school and all visitors who come in to work with them.

Cliffedale Club offer

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We offer a huge array of lunch time and after school activities. We are thrilled that so many children have taken the lead with coming up with ideas for our lunch time clubs. Children are also so keen to write from our Free Write initiative in school, that we have run an Awesome Authors club after school so they can do even more!

Stepping up into Leadership

Our children have many opportunities to step up into Leadership by volunteering for roles of responsibility and in the cases of our School Council and House Captains, presenting their candidancy for election into roles, giving our children real-life experiences of democratic voting (British Values)

Our School Council members for this academic year

Club offer at Cliffedale 

Some of our children have set up their own lunch time clubs and we have had so many ideas, we have a waiting list for the Spring Term!

We are so proud that our children are such confident communicators that they have had the courage to show their Leadership skills as Community Champions!
